Optio Solutions cares deeply about its employees and their communities. We are committed to sharing our time and resources with those in need via ongoing philanthropy.

Philanthropic Contributions by Optio Solutions

Optio employees work one evening each month at the Redwood Empire Food Bank, packing and sorting food. Employees also donate barrels of food for the Redwood Empire Food Bank’s annual Food & Funds Drive in December.

Each November, employees donate and deliver turkeys and pies to the Redwood Gospel Mission for their Great Thanksgiving Banquet.

Optio Solutions’ employees raise funds for the ACA Collectors Challenge through events such as bake sales and breakfast made and served by upper management. Funds from the Collectors Challenge help the ACA International Educational Foundation provide scholarships to employees of the credit and collections industry and their families.

Optio supports the Salvation Army’s Angel Tree program, the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life, the Cass County Social Services’ Toy Shop program, and disaster relief efforts by the American Red Cross as well as local community needs.

Optio has been recognized by the California Association of Collectors with an Outstanding Community Service Award.